PinnedMaggie Tanidea of being a filmmakeri started toying with the idea of calling myself a filmmaker…Dec 11, 2020Dec 11, 2020
Maggie Tanhi fallit’s that time of the year again. the season where we reap the rewards of our toils. where the shift in energy compels us to gain clarity.Oct 2, 2023Oct 2, 2023
Maggie Tanend of summerwhere did the time go? did it enter a vacuum, locked up in a cave of memories? how do i know i’ve travelled, the path where there are…Aug 24, 2023Aug 24, 2023
Maggie Tan2022 flaneuring log 3once upon a time, there was a girl who liked to listen to music and practised the piano as any normal asian kid would. then she decided…Sep 15, 20223Sep 15, 20223
Maggie Tanhappy (belated) international women’s day!These are the qualities that I admire most in some of the women I’ve known in my life… call it character building, values to aspire to, but…Mar 12, 2022Mar 12, 2022
Maggie Tan2022 flaneuring log 21. my encounter with an ex on the street took me by surprise, not because he was an ex whom i had a bad breakup with, it’s just that i’ve…Jan 30, 2022Jan 30, 2022
Maggie Tan2022 flaneuring log 1on this chilly afternoon, i suddenly recall i used to have these obsessive impulses to write lists. back when i was still a teenager, at…Jan 16, 2022Jan 16, 2022
Maggie Tancomfort zoneso the questions i’d like to pose tonight are: what does “comfort zone” mean in a post-pandemic world? did covid actually manage to help…May 26, 2021May 26, 2021
Maggie TanLove in the time of Coronawe have created covid. we have turned it into a beast that consumes us. life goes on. we continue to live in the matrix that is our mind…Apr 21, 2020Apr 21, 2020